



/人权观察 北京观察


早在1966年中共发动了文化大革命时,就读北医二年级的王炳章由于发表了不同政见,被一个嫉妒、他一度「好」友告密,遭到红卫兵的拘禁并受到残酷折磨,险些丧命。像无数无辜百姓一样,家父也身陷囹圄。 1978年他在北京进修准备出国时,亲眼目睹了「民主墙运动」,从而在内心里埋下了追求民主的理念。在亲身经历了家族灾难及中国人民患难的他,在获得博士的当晚大义决定:放弃医生生涯,放弃衣锦还乡,荣华富贵的机会,效法孙中山先生,「弃医从运」,将余生贡献给中国人民的自由民主事业。

王炳章于1982年11月在美国创办了《中国之春》杂志,震惊海内外,成为中国现代民主运动海外第一人。 1983年12月,聚合一些大陆在美国留学生成立「中国民主团结联盟」,并于1990年7月10日在美国成立中国自由民主党,公开挑战中国共产党的一党专制政权。

以上行动使中共极度害怕恐惧,想方设法阻止王炳章的民运活动。继《中国之春》后,王炳章博士曾在美国申请延长他的中华人民共和国护照,但被告知中国公民身份已被取消。他于1989年5月闯关回国声援天安门广场民主运动,被拦截于东京机场。他于1998年年初再次闯关回到大陆组织反对党,但很快被中共当局发现并被驱逐出境。 2002年6月王炳章在越南会见大陆民运人士时,突遭中共特务绑架至大陆,以莫须有的「恐怖罪」和 「间谍罪」被起诉,在不准任何证人出庭也不让出示证据的情况下,半天闭门审讯并判无期徒刑。随即王炳章提出上诉,二审依然不许证人出庭,随后对他实施惨无人道的单独关押,至今已超过二十年。

对此,联合国人权委员会反对任意拘捕小组曾于2003年对此向中共提出强烈抗议。美国与加拿大国会在2003 和2004分别通过议案要求中共释放王炳章博士,但中共置之不理。

2009年,泰国皇家警暑的高级警官签署公文,否认王炳章曾经有爆炸中国驻曼谷大使馆的恐怖行为,从而否定了《判决书》里「恐怖罪」的成立。 2013年,台湾国安局发表声明,否认了中国政府对王炳章为台湾间谍的指控,因此否定了《判决书》里「间谍罪」指控的合法性。上述文件均已经递交给中国政府,但中国政府罔顾证据,并拒绝受理王家提出的上诉,并多次拒绝保外就医的要求,王炳章被单独关押至今。王博士的家人找到了在《判决书》中提到的证人,他们提供了具有法律效力的声明书:声明他们从未提供《判决书》中引用的证据,这足以证明中共的所谓《判决书》完全是蓄意捏造的。

身为基督徒的王炳章博士始终坚持和平, 理性的民主运动。为此曾于2008及2012年两次被提名为诺贝尔和平奖候选人。证据证明王炳章博士从未从事任何恐怖活动,而中共越境绑架乃是赤裸裸的恐怖行为。这与世界文明相悖,并为世人所唾弃。这是中共恐怖行为最典型的案件之一。






Release Dr. WANG Bingzhang

Wang Bingzhang graduated from Beijing Medical Institute in the People’s Republic of China in 1970. He began his medical and surgical career in Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province. There, he served the medical and surgical needs of ethnic Tibetans for many years, and developed a mutually appreciative relationship with the Tibetan community.

Later, he was transferred to Shijiazhuang Hebei Academy of Medical Sciences, where he conducted clinical research and published several papers on cardiovascular issues in well-known medical journals. In 1978, after the end of the Cultural Revolution, he took and passed the National Examination for Overseas Personnel and was recommended by an internationally renowned cardiovascular expert to study abroad.

In 1979, Dr. Wang went to McGill University in Canada, where he obtained a Ph.D. in experimental medicine in 1982. In so doing, he became one of the first students from the PRC to receive a doctorate degree abroad.

Dr. Wang’s skepticism of the Chinese Communist Party began forming at an early age. In 1966, at the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, when Dr. Wang was a second-year medical student, a jealous friend in whom he’d confided betrayed him to Red Guards. As a result, Dr. Wang was detained and nearly beaten to death. Dr. Wang’s father was also subjected to a lengthy arbitrary detention. Having personally experienced this near-death ordeal, and having witnessed countless other ways in which CCP rule inflicted unnecessary hardship on his fellow countrymen, Dr. Wang became inspired to more seriously pursue politics during the 1978 Democracy Wall Movement. Thus, while in Canada, he resolved, given up his medical career, and with it, the prospect secure and comfortable life, in favor of pro-democracy activism. And so, in 1982, immediately upon being awarded his Ph.D., Dr. Wang announced that he would not be returning to the PRC, and would instead launch a Chinese pro-democracy movement from overseas.

Dr. Wang’s movement began with the founding of China Spring, a Chinese pro-democracy magazine based in New York. China Spring gained immediate attention, both inside the PRC and internationally. The CCP denounced it, as well as Dr. Wang, while ordinary Chinese people from around the world sent donations and messages of support.

In 1983, Dr. Wang and other activists from the PRC established the Chinese Alliance for Democracy. Later, Dr. Wang founded and helped to found several other organizations challenging the CCP’s one-party rule, including by sneaking into the PRC in 1998 to help lay the groundwork for the founding of the Chinese Democracy Party.

The CCP was extremely fearful of Dr. Wang’s efforts from the outset. After launching China Spring, Dr. Wang tried to renew his PRC passport from the United States, but was told that his PRC citizenship had been revoked. In May 1989, Dr. Wang tried to return to the PRC to support the Tiananmen Square Movement, but was stopped at Tokyo airport. In 1998, after successfully sneaking into the PRC, he was discovered by the authorities, and was arrested and deported. Finally, in June 2002, when Dr. Wang traveled to Vietnam to meet with labor activists from the PRC, he was kidnapped by CCP agents, blindfolded, and abducted into the PRC. There, he was tried behind closed doors, in a half-day trial during which he was not allowed to call witnesses or present evidence, on trumped-up charges of “espionage” and “terrorism.” He was sentenced to life in prison and has been held in solitary confinement since.

In response, the UN Human Rights Working Group on Arbitrary Detention issued an opinion declaring that “the detention of Wang Bingzhang is arbitrary” and was “in contravention of articles 9, 10 and 11 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. In 2003 and 2004, the U.S. Congress and Canadian Parliament passed resolutions, requesting the CCP to release Dr. Wang Bingzhang.

In 2009, a senior member of the Royal Thai Police issued a signed statement contradicting a central plank of the verdict against Dr. Wang, namely that Dr. Wang had planned to bomb Chinese Embassy in Bangkok. Similarly, in 2013, Taiwan’s National Security Agency issued an official statement contradicting another key claim made in the verdict, namely that Dr. Wang had been a spy for Taiwan. More recently, individuals cited at witnesses in the verdict against Dr. Wang have made clear that they never gave the evidence attributed to them, and that the verdict was falsified in that regard. One such individual has provided Dr. Wang’s family with a declaration made under penalty of perjury. Meanwhile, Dr. Wang has now been jailed for more than 20 years, during which time he has suffered no less than three strokes, and has become an old man of nearly 75.

Despite all this, the CCP has refused to accept the Wang family’s numerous requests for Dr. Wang’s release.

Based on the foregoing, and in the spirit of humanitarianism, based on universal values, and in service of safeguarding the dignity of human rights, we urge UN officials to take immediate action to save Dr. Wang, and to help ensure he does not die while serving an indisputably wrongful life sentence.

Immediately release Dr. Wang Bingzhang

August 28, 2022



