

香港知名时事评论人程翔 美联社(RFA)

   【 编者按:王安娜:这是第三次通读此篇文章,震惊之余仍感概万千。在此特别感谢程翔先生,这是一篇难得的上乘之作,全面梳理了中共对香港渗透的历史沿革、政策、方法和手段,史料翔实、内容丰富、总结分析精辟到位。当今在以美国为首的国际社会日渐觉醒,识破中共各种包装欺骗渗透、破坏国际准则、输出野蛮统治模式、中西方全面对垒的情况下,此文揭开了中共如何统战和渗透的真面目,不仅使人们对此有深刻了解和认识,同时也对美国和西方国家防范中共对其正在进行中的港式破坏颠覆重演提供重要借鉴和帮助。





1.  什么是“白蚁精神”?

      中共在夺权全国政权之后不久,就忙不迭地计划要“取得全世界”。 1966年,中共在香港的地下党组织组团到北京,提出提前“解放香港”的要求。为使这些地下党安心在香港长期工作,周恩来总理派他的助手国务院外事办港澳组副组长吴荻舟接见这个团,向他们解释中共不急于解放香港的原因。根据中共一份“绝密”级别的文件《国务院外事办港澳组副组长吴荻舟对港澳工人谈话(1966)记录》,吴荻舟说:“英国人想长期在香港……他们在香港有油水,我们在香港也有利益,所以在维持现状这点上有一致的语言的”。 。 。他们的目的,是要从香港多拿几个钱,一年拿几十万。我们呢,要拿整个世界”






(资料来源:国务院外事办港澳组副组长吴荻舟在1966年接见港澳工人观礼团时之谈话记录。 [摘自消失的档案网站 bit.ly/2KS8YuK])[/caption


2.  “白蚁”有什么优势?


2.1  隐蔽性:白蚁的工作方式比较隐蔽,人们难以从表面看出屋子是否已经被蛀蚀。

2.2   数量多:蚂蚁的特点是多,粤俚“蚁多唠死象”,即使庞然大物也最终会败于数量庞大的对手

2.3  时间长:蚂蚁不能一天之内摧毁敌人,所以地下党也要立足于长期打算。

2.4  无声息:蚂蚁是默默地、无声无息地工作,故不容易被人察觉。

2.5  侵蚀性:蚂蚁是一点点的蛀蚀它所寄居的建筑物,直至把它摧毁,它不会使寄居物轰然下塌(因而会引起人注意),却会使它弱不禁风(表面上丝毫无损,必要时可以轻便地摧毁它)。




     从熊向晖这段表白可以看出,周恩来在1949年前以 “闲棋冷子” 成功地夺取全国政权,在1949年之后,就已经部署“白蚁政策”来“拿整个世界” ,则中共的野心和阴谋一也。


3.  “白蚁”从何而来?






















































        这种“专群结合”、大打“人民战争”的传统,最近得到进一步发挥和强调。2023年8月1日,国家安全部微信公众号发布文章《反间防谍需要全社会动员!》 ,提到反间谍工作  “不仅需要国家安全机关发挥反间谍专门机关作用,更需要人民群众广泛参与、共同防范,筑牢反间防谍的国家安全人民防线”。它强调:“在工作原则上,明确反间谍工作要坚持‘公开工作和秘密工作相结合’、‘专门工作与群众路线相结合’;在法律义务上,明确“一切国家机关和武装力量、各政党和各人民团体、企事业组织和其他社会组织,都有防范、制止间谍行为维护国家安全的义务”,同时要求“国家安全机关在反间谍工作中必须依靠人民的支持,动员、组织人民防范、制止间谍行为”。虽然这里提及的只是反间谍工作,但间谍工作显然也是走“专群结合”的原则和路线。这就说明,中共的对外渗透工作,在很大程度上也是依赖非专业的“群众性”情报人员。
























4.1 隐蔽的地下党组织










4.1.2  已經打進港英要害部門的力量,不要動,比如飛機場已安上的點子,或在港督身邊的點子,不要動。

4.1.3  安在美國機構和船上的點子不要動。。。下略。

(资料来源:拙作《香港六七暴动始末》页335 引用)







第三线:进入美国权力机构的美国“友共政客”(联邦及各州的参众议员),各亲共智库组织,各大专院校主要负责人、华尔街、荷里活、硅谷、波音等“友共” 商人及商团;






4.2.1  数量庞大

      何以见得新兴起的社团都是具有中共背景的呢?这可从1997年前后香港社团的发展速度可以看出。香港社团的真正发展是在1945年战后开始的。从1945-1995 这50年间,形成社团8695个,平均每年174个,也就是说,这是本土成长的自然趋势。但1997-2017这20年间,平均每年增长2200个,远远超过1997年前本土成长的自然趋势,则显然新的增长是有来自中共的“助力”。

4.2.2  种类繁多


































4.2.3  中共对社团工作的最高要求 
       说到白蚁渗透术,不能不提中共的地下党组织。 1949年中共在香港部署了两个互不隶属的党组织,一个是半公开的“中共香港工委”(披着新华社香港分社的外衣),另一个是保密的“中共香港城市工作委员会” (完全保密)。 “工委”作为一个半公开的组织,统领中共在香港的各种机构兼负责中共在香港的“外事活动”(主要是与港英政府以及各国驻香港领事的关系),而“城工委”的秘密工作是在做好随时接管香港的准备(虽然早在1949年时中共已经决定暂不收回香港,但为了应付万一,它还是在默默地做好随时接管香港的可能性)。由于后者的保密,外界一般都只知道有“工委”,几乎没有人知道有“城工委”的存在。笔者也是在解读吴荻舟的笔记时才知道有后者(见拙作:《香港六七暴动始末》页300 首次提“工、城两委”,详细分析见该书第四章《六七暴动的指挥和组织机制》,页65-94)。
      按照中共党员总数量(接近一亿)与全国人口(14亿)相比,党员占全国人口7%。中共在美国有30万留学生,假设留学生中党员比例同党员/全国人口比例一样(7%),则30万留学生中应该有2. 1万个中共党员。按照中共党章规定,每3个党员可以成立一个党小组,则理论上2. 1万个党员可以生成7000个党小组。假设比较正常的党小组规模是10人左右, 则这2.1万个党员可以形成2000个党小组。





























Understanding the Chinese Communists’ Penetration of Hong Kong and the West 


Written by Ching Cheong     

Translated by Patrick May    

August 25, 2023 



Preventing the Chinese communists penetration into western society has become many nations’ major concern. In the past 25 years, Hong Kong provided the entire world a “near-perfect” case study, highlighting how not taking seriously this problem would turn an originally free society into an authoritarian one. We, as witnesses to Hong Kong’s downfall, have a responsibility to document the entire process and to spread this knowledge, so that the world does not has to revisit Hong Kong’s fate. 


The story starts with the “Spirit of the Termites” 

  1. What is the “Spirit of the Termites”? 

Not long after the Chinese Communist Party (thereafter referred to as the CCP) seized power in China in 1949, they were already busy planning to “take the entire world”. In 1966, the CCP’s underground party in Hong Kong sent a delegation to Beijing, asking for the early liberation of Hong Kong”To placate the delegation, Premier Zhou Enlai dispatched his assistant Wu Dizhou, deputy head of the Hong Kong and Macao group of the Foreign Affairs Office, an arm under the State Council, to explain to them why the CCP was in no hurry to liberate Hong Kong. According to a “Top Secret” document entitled “Minutes of the Conversation between Wu Dizhou, deputy head of the Hong Kong and Macao group of the Foreign Affairs Office of the State Council, and the Hong Kong and Macao workers”, Wu Dizhou said, “The British wants to remain in Hong Kong…to obtain benefit therefrom, but we also have our interests in Hong Kong, which is why we have common ground in preserving the status quo…Their goal is to skim the cream in Hong Kong, to get a few hundred thousand dollars. As for us, we aim to take the entire world.” This statement betrayed the CCP’s ambition to take the entire world from very early on.  


How to take the entire world through Hong Kong? Wu Dizhou asked Hong Kong’s underground party to learn from the “spirit of the termites”. This so-called “spirit of the termites” was an invention of Zhou Enlai. According to Hong Kong Cable TV’s serial “Declassifying the Future after 30 years”  (first episodescreened on August 11, 2014), with the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, there was much confusion in the nation’s foreign policy, as well as in its internal ones; but on the question of Hong Kong, there was never any deviation from their planned moves on this chessboard. Zhou Enlai proposed a “termite policy”. The TV serial cited an anonymous veteran CCP member thus: “This termite policy stemmed from an inspection visit Zhou Enlai made some years ago to Xishuangbanna. A member of a botanical research laboratory took him to observe a large tree, which fell with the mere flick of a finger. Premier Zhou was curious about this, and then he discovered that the insides of the entire tree had been completely hollowed out by termites, while looking completely normal on the outside. This prompted him to think of a “termite policy”, which meant that the underground CCP members should work like termites to penetrate a healthy structure, erode it until it fell. He termed this “termite policy”, and exhorted all CCP underground organizations to learn from this “spirit of the termites”. 

According to the aforementioned “Top Secret” document, Wu Dizhou asked the underground party members, “to emulate the termites in their work, noiselessly hollowing the entire structure from within. To learn from the spirit of the termites…..To achieve this, we must study Chairman Mao Zedong’s thought. To be like termites is not something I come up with, but words from the comrades of the CCP’s Central Committee…Your lives must be completely normal, you must work closely with the masses, and you must live frugally. The difficulties you face in your daily life is for the sake of world revolution, this might continue for ten or twenty years, or even your entire lives.” 


(Source: Minutes of the conversation between Wu Dizhou, deputy head of the Hong Kong and Macao group of the Foreign Affairs Office of the State Council, and the delegation of Hong Kong and Macao workers. Taken from the documentary Vanished Archives website:  bit.ly/2KS8YuK]) 


2.  What are the advantages of the “termites”?

The CCP proposed a termites policy” to “take the entire world”, but what exactly are the advantages of the “termite policy”?  From my understanding, Zhou Enlai’s analogy was based on the following unique characteristics of termites: 

  1. They are hidden: termites work in a hidden way, and a superficial look at a structure would not betray the fact that it had already been hollowed out. 
  1. They have large quantities: termites work in enormous numbers, like the Cantonese saying, “many ants can subdue an elephant”. Any object, no matter how large, would eventually fall prey to the attack from countless number of foes. 
  1. They work over a long time: termites do not work in a day, and that is why the underground party needs to have a long-term plan. 
  1. They work silently: termites work noiselessly, undetectably, and would not be easily noticed. 
  1. They are aggressive: termites work gradually, they would not cause the host structure to collapse overnight (this would attract attention) but would weaken it to the point that a slight breeze would lead to its collapse (no visible difference on the outside, but easily destroyable at the right time). 

Zhou Enlai was the forefather of the CCP’s spy architecture. Long before the CCP seized power he had already devised the policy of “placing sleeping pawns on the chessboard” (in chess games, sleeping pawns are moves that seem unimportant initially but prove to be strategic later). The Spirit of the Termite” tallied with his policy of “planting sleeping pawns”.  Knowing how he “plant sleeping pawns” helps us understand his termite policy. 


One famous sleeping pawn successfully planted by Zhou was Xiong Xianhui, who was instrumental in saving the CCP from military crackdown. As an insurgent force, the CCP posed a threat to the central government, then led by the Kuomintang (KMT) leader Chiang Kai-shek. Chiang sent a military junta Hu Zongnan to wipe out the CCP stronghold in Yanan. Xiang, a CCP mole planted by Zhou Enlai in Hu’s army, revealed the plan to the CCP, saving it from annihilation. 

According to the recollections of Xiong Xianghui, a senior CCP leader Dong Biwu told him 

Zhou Enlai has a wealth of experience,  he always planned for rainy dayshe always looked one step ahead and took all the initiatives. You are the sleeping pawn on Zhou Enlai’s grand plan”.  

“Never mind If you remain seemingly cool and idle, in this state you would do no harm to the entire situation. Once you are activated, it means the overall situation is beneficial to us. This is a very special mission, one that would be determined by the development of the overall situation”, Dong said 

Accordingly, Zhou Enlai wants you to pay special attention to these three points: Firstly, do not be too eager to look for the party (i.e., maintaining close party relations). For now, only Zhou EnlaiJiang Nanxiang and myself know about your special mission. We will be observing the movement of Hu Zongnanand find ways to contact you. This would require some time. However long it takes, you must patiently wait, and not be anxious. Until contact is made, you must not leave Hu Zongnan’s troop, you must work around this special mission, and address any problem independently. Even once contact is made, you might not have to do anything nor take any effective action. You must not be anxious, and you must willingly be an idle pawn. 


Secondly, conceal your true identity, try not to develop new party members, try not to take part in any leadership work. Do not be right–  or left-leaning, just give people an impression of you as a patriot seeking to better the motherland. Be ready to join the KMTand to echo the central government’s motto that “Dr. Sun Yat-Sen’s Three People’s Principles is paramount to the needs of China today”. Try to use this motto to direct Hu Zongnan and his forces to counter the Japanese army (and not against the CCP). Any action you take must come out naturally, and you must not be impatient to expect results. If Hu Zongnan act against the communists, you must stand with him, at lease on the surface – like a Tianjin radish, white on the outside, but red inside. Even if you face misunderstanding and harsh words from your progressive friends do not feel losing face and reveal your true identity; be patient, be tough”.  


Thirdly, within the KMT, you can show a bit of arrogance toward others, do not be overly humble, as undue humility would only invite disrespect, making it difficult for you to be effective, but do not be too overbearing. The situation within the KMT is complex, join them but do not carry out their actions, and you must remain spotless even when mired in dirt. Wherever and whenever, do not attract attention in you, because arrogance would lead to carelessness and therefore problems, you must be prudent in whatever you do. To be prudent is not to be cringing in a corner. A revolutionary must be courageous, but never be careless in thoughts or actions. This would require you to draw on your intellect, your attention to details, and your adaptability”, said Dong. 

In the summer of 1941, as a sleep pawn laid down by Zhou Enlai two and a half year ago,  I have not been idle, because Hu Zongnan had already followed Chiang Kai Shek in his anti-communist campaign. My “special assignment” now gradually becomes clear, and that is: to collect intelligenceZhou Enlai is indeed the pioneer and founder of the CCP’s intelligence work.  

(See Xiong Xianghui’s Zhou Enlai’s Charisma and Zhou Enlai’s Career as Prime Minister, Secret History of Today’s China series 2, Hong Kong Wen Wei Publishing Company Limited, page 35). 

From this revelation of Xiong Xianghui, by placing sleeping pawns, the CCP eventually seized power. After 1949, Zhou’s “sleeping pawn” strategy morphed into his “termite policy” as part of the CCPs’ ambition and conspiracy to “take the entire world”. 


3.  Where are the “termites” from? 

For the “termite policy” to be successful, the number of “termites” must be sufficiently large. Where does the CCP get all these “termites” to carry out their infiltration? The CCP has a tradition of “waging the people’s war”. In a battlefield fought with real firearms, they were able to mobilize the crowds to take part in actions, not to mention a cold war of intelligence gatheringAccording to my understanding, the CCPs’ intelligence gathering has a tradition of “combining the experts and the masses” – the experts are the professionals with special training in tradecraft, and the masses are those amateur intelligence workers without any professional training. Their differences are summarized below. 

Professional versus Non-Professional Intelligence Workers 



Non-professionals (mass) 

Tradecraft training 




Formal paid staff of an intelligence organization. Many of them have military ranks. 

Non-member of any formal organization, no pay, no rank. Main incentive comes from patriotism and United Front benefits 


To obtain by any means highly classified intelligence, including government decisions & policies, information on officials, military intelligence, and crucial technological information 

To collect general political, economic, social information, latest movements of celebrities, significant social and economic trends. They are not meant for classified info but not ruling out those who were capable of obtaining classified info. 





Illegal (from host nations’ point of view) because the info was classified  

Legal (most activities are within bounds of law), making it difficult for the host country to arrest or prosecute them 


Highly secretive, assets worked in single-line communications. Some are deep-seated moles in host government  

Operates openly, many recruits are from pro-CCP organizations in the host countries 


I  heard about the principle of integrating the Professional and the Mass in intelligence work when I worked for Wen Wei Po, Beijing’s mouthpiece in Hong Kong in 1974. Wen Wei Po’s Chief Editor Liao Aiwen was a division chief of Guangdong province’s Public Security Bureau, charged with collecting intelligence on Hongkong. To facilitate his work, he was transferred to Hong Kong and took up Chief Editorship of Wen Wei Po. To conceal his identityhe was pretty much hands-on in the newspaper, including inspecting the final version of the newspaper before it went to print.  He told me that “our (meaning the CCP) intelligence work adopted the strategy of integrating experts and the masses, with experts being the specially trained professional intelligence workers, while the masses being those ordinary people. He stressed that this was the implementation of the party’s mass line in its intelligence work”. 

This tradition of “integrating the experts with the masses” in “fighting the people’s war”, was recently emphasized further. On August 1, 2023, the National Security Ministry said in a piece in WeChat that, “Anti-espionage requires mobilization of the masses!”, highlighting that work in anti-espionage, “Requires not only national security bureaus carrying out their specialized functions, but also participation and support from the people within society, to join in preventing spying and espionage, thereby upholding national security.”  


The same piece emphasizes that “anti-espionage requires ‘an amalgamation of those who work in the open as well as those who work in secret’, ‘a collaboration between the experts and the masses’; …… it is clear that, “All national administrative and military personnel, people from all political parties and community organizations, business and professional organizations, as well as other social organizations, have the duty to prevent and curb any espionage activity, and to uphold national security”. At the same time, it states that, “national security bodies, in their anti-espionage work, must rely on the support and mobilization of the people, to build up a resistance to prevent and to arrest any espionage activity.”  

Although the piece only stress anti-espionage work, it is obvious that infiltration and espionage work against other countries also operates on the same principle of “experts – masses integration”.  

With this understanding of “experts —- masses” integration in China’s intelligence work, we can now understand the sources of the “termites”. From my own contacts, the “termites”, or “intelligence workers from the masses” come from these general categories of people:

  • Businessmen (from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, as well as other countries) 
  • Chinese going overseas for various reasons 
  • Overseas students from Mainland China 
  • Media personnel dispatched by the CCP 
  • Local pro-China media outlets 
  • Upper social class of target nations 
  • Business owners and employees in target nations 
  • White collar workers in target nations 
  • Socially active figures in target nations 
  • Figures from the underworld of target nations 

From my own social contacts, I can identify these various sources. Naturally, there could still be others that I am not aware of. 

The intelligence they gather are largely non-classified, for instance:

  • Political, economic, and commercial trends,  
  • Social affairs, public opinions,  
  • Important personnel changes or appointments in governments and significant organizations, 
  • The latest news of key figures in society, their family, social and professional backgrounds, 
  • Significant social movements, their specific demands, details of their leaders or instigators, 
  • Significant technological advancements or innovations in various countries/sectors 

The advantages of making use of the mass in gathering intelligence are manifold: firstly the mass are numerous spreading all over the host country; secondlydifferent people has different professions or jobs so that almost all sectors of the host country are adequately covered. These two factors made for a wide network covering the host country both in geographical and sectoral sense, leaving no blind spot. Moreover, they are well concealedas they are not required to get classified information, and safe (in the sense that it would be difficult for the host country to prosecute them in case of untoward incidents).


4.  Where are the hideouts for these “termites”? 

The horde of “termites” must have their hideouts, so were they From Hong kong’s example, I’ll try to locate these hideouts. 

 4.1  Hidden underground party organizations

After the CCP seized power in 1949it developed a “four lines” approach to infiltrate Hong Kong, then a British colony. According to the plans laid down by Ye Jianying, then governor of Guangdong province, these “four lines” are:  

  • First line: also called “red line”, these are organizations openly pro-CCP like trade unions, schools, newspapers, bookstores, movie studios, Chinese emporiums, banks, businesses, and transportation bodies; 
  • Second line: also called “grey lines”, these are organizations which, though not openly pro-CCPserved as fronts of the CCP; 
  • Third line: these are individuals hidden in different non-CCP organizations in various sectors and government departmentsOn the surfacethese people have no political affiliations but pro-CCP at heart. To borrow the CCP jargonthese are people who were “white on the outside, but red inside”; they could be secretive CCP party members disguised as “non-party members” 
  • Fourth line: highly concealed, deeply hidden within key organizations or bodies, with only single-line communication with the CCP. These individuals are few in numbers and are precisely the “sleeping pawns” referred to by Zhou Enlai. 

(Source: Lu Di “Ye Jianying’s affection for Hong Kong and Macao”, Guangdong Ye Jianying Research Society, cited in the author’s Beginning and End of Hong Kong’s 1967 Riots, page 11 – the original essay can no longer be found on the internet).


I must stress that when Lu’s essay was published, it only referred to “four lines”, without clearly explaining details of each line. The interpretation of each of the lines is solely my own, based on my own contact and knowledge. That said, I am not making unfounded guesses but based on some solid facts. These four lines, laid down in Hong Kong from as early as 1949 became exposed with the outbreak of the 1967 leftist riots, thanks to the ultra-leftist influence at the time. This exposure of the CCP’s secret operation in Hong Kong forced Zhou Enlai to order a stop to all such activities. 

According to Wu Dizhou, Premier Zhou’s aid in Hongkong affairs, Zhou issued three directives: 

  1. This (anti-British) struggle must be carried out over the long term, do not expose all your strengths, and do not expose or utilize the strengths of the third front. 
  2.  We have already penetrated the vulnerable parts of British-Hong Kong, do not involved those already placed, for example, within the airport or around the governor. 
  3. Those who are already placed within American organizations or ships, we do not mobilize them……… 

(see “Hong Kong 1967, supplementary information, June 7, 1967” compiled by Wu Hui, daughter of Wu Dizhou, cited in my book The Beginning and End of Hong Kong’s 1967 Riots, page 335). 


From this supplementary information, Zhou urged not to expose the Third Line, and not to mobilize those already taking up key positions in the government as well as the American establishments in Hongkong, which presumably referred to the Fourth Line moles already deployed deep inside the enemy. 

From this “four lines” architecture in intelligence network aimed at infiltrating Hong Kong, it would not be surprising that the CCP would have constructed within the United States and other western nations multi-layered infiltration structures. 

Following the “four lines” experience in Hong Kongone could infer on China’s infiltration structure within the United States of America: 

  • First line: overtly pro-CCP organizations (directly organized by the CCP and its sympathizers, organizations or media outlets brazenly flying the red flag). 
  • Second line: various “Sino-American” friendship societies, using its “American identity” to dilute its pro-CCP colorations (equivalent to Hong Kong’s “grey line” organizations). 
  • Third line: “China-friendly” politicians within the corridors of power (senators and congressmen from both federal and state governments), pro-China think tanks, leaders and administrators of colleges and universities, “China-friendly” businesspersons and business organizations of Wall Street, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Boeing, and so forth. 
  • Fourth line: those who have penetrated the highest echelons of power in the United States, with only single-line communication with the CCP 

As for the fourth line, please pay attention to the revelation of an academic from China who obviously got carried away with his success. According to Di Dongsheng, Vice Dean and Professor of the Renmin University of Chinain a public address on November 28, 2020, Chinese officials have, in the past decades, made use of “old friends from the highest corridors of power within the United States” to influence American politics as well as its stance toward China. Di’s own words prove that the CCP have planted within the United States very powerful figures that belong to this fourth lineDi’s speech is available in the following link: 



4.2  Social Organizations, Scholarly or Artistic Organizations 

While the fourlines could well be the nests for the termites, the majority of the termites are really hidden within various social organizations. According to Hong Kong’s experience, the CCP has been using social organizations as the lethal weapon of infiltration into Hong Kong.  


4.2.1   Proliferation of pro-CCP social organizations.  

According to figures from the Hong Kong government, on the eve of the handover in 1997, the number of societies registered with the government was 8695. In 2017, this figure exploded to 52386, a sixfold increase. In other words, in Hong Kong’s 150 years under British administration, there were less than 9000 social organizations, whereupon since the “handover”, with only 20 years under communist rule, there was such a steep increase in the number of social organizations. They were mostly pro-CCP and helped the CCP to secure a firm foundation in Hong Kong. 

How can we tell that almost all of these new social organizations are pro-China? We can compare the rate of growth of such social organizations before and after 1997. The real boom in social organizations began after World War II, in 1945. Within the fifty years from 1945 to 1995, there were 8695 social organizations, an average rate of 174 per year, indicating that this was a natural trend as Hong Kong society naturally evolved. However, from 1997 to 2017, within a period of 20 years, the yearly growth in number of social organizations ballooned to an average of 2200 per year, far exceeding the natural rate of evolution of the decades before 1997, and this novel augmentation in number must be a result of “assistance” from the CCP. 


4.2.2   They cover every aspect of life 

These social organizations are very diverse but cover almost all aspect of life. I have tried to categorize them into “six commonalities”: common place of origin, common surname and family origin, common alma mater, common profession, common interest, common area of residence, along with those that defy categorization. Please see the following table: 

Association of people having some common features 


Place of Origin in China 

There are national, provincial, district, county and village level organizations linking up people with the same place of origin 

Surnames & ancestors 

These are societies that bound those sharing a common family name (surname) 

Alma Mater 

These are societies that bound graduates from various Universities in China 

Profession & Trades 

These are bodies that reached out to those in the same trade or profession 

Interest, hobbies, sports 

Interest groups for those sharing the same interests 

Residential Neighborhood 

Neighborhood organizations that provide very localized service to its residents 


Think tanks, research institutes, cadets, clubs 



The CCPs criterion for assessing the performance of social organizations 


4.2.3   The CCP aims to foster these social organizations into an extra-institutional political battle group that can “response when summoned, fights upon arriving, and fights for sure victory”These groups are expected to fight on behalf of the CCP its enemy in Hong Kongnamely the pan-Democrats. 

As a non-institutional force of the CCP, these social organizations helped the CCP in various ways 

  • Under normal circumstances, they would give away free meals or other benefits to help the CCP to sink its roots deeper in society, and to compete with opposition parties in clamoring public support; 
  • When it comes time to policy issues, they would either support or oppose a policy according to the decision of the CCP; 
  • In election times, they would mobilize all the resources to support CCP-preferred candidates; 
  • When there is political dispute or turmoil, they would declare unequivocal support for a pro-CCP stance; 
  • When there is violent struggle, they would act on behalf of the CCP, using threatsintimidation, or outright violence, like taking part in street fights on behalf on the CCP. 

These experiences of Hong Kong also manifest themselves in the United States. One witnesses also a proliferation of pro-CCP social organizations in recent yearsencompassing people from all walks of lifeeach with a strong readiness to work at the behest of the CCP. These organizations are perfect breeding grounds for the termites as well as their hide-outs, wherefrom they carry out their work to erode the mainstream society. 

When speaking of the termites’ infiltration strategies, we must also bear in mind the CCP’s underground party structure.  

In 1949, the CCP placed within Hong Kong two unrelated organizations, one is the semi-open CCP Hong Kong Working Group (CCP-HKWG, which exists as the Hongkong Bureau of Xinhua News Agency), and another CCP-Hong Kong City Working Goup (CCP-HKCWG, totally secretive). As a semi-open organization, the CCP-HKWG directs the CCP’s many organizations in Hong Kong, and run China’s “external activities” in Hong Kong (mainly liaising with the British-Hong Kong government as well as the consulates of various countries in Hong Kong), but the role of the CCP-HKCWG is to lay the groundwork in preparation for any sudden takeover of Hong Kong (even though the CCP had in 1949 decided not to take back Hong Kong yet, they nevertheless made all the necessary preparations in case such a need suddenly arises, forcing them to take over Hong Kong prematurely). Because of the utter secrecy of the latter body, outsiders only know of the CCP-HKWGbut none of the CCP-HKCWG. I leant of it only after I dug into the notes jotted down by Wu Dizhou (see my book Beginning and End of Hong Kong’s 1967 Riots, page 300, where there was a first mention of the two bodies; for a detailed analysis please see Chapter 4 of the book that provide a detailed analysis of both organizations. 


According to the recollections of Martin Lee, leader of the Democratic Party, after the June 4 massacre in Beijing, he worried that the British would withdraw from Hongkong before 1997 and there would be chaos in Hong Kong. Xu Jiatun, then Director of the Xinhua News Agency, China’s number one man in Hongkong, asked him not to worry because the CCP could take over Hongkong at any time (and preserve law and order). According to Lee,  

“Once, we were having lunch, and he (Xu) told me not to worry too much. Beijing had already planted about 50,000 in Hong Kong, within government departments as well as different profession bodies. If the British do leave before the handover date, he said that these 50,000 individuals would immediately take up positions left by the British.” 

 Xu’s disclosure proved that the CCP-HKCWG had actually been preparing for a sudden take-over if conditions called for. It also suggested that the CCP-HKCWG would exist right up to 1997. Whether or not this body continues to exist after 1997 is something I have no knowledge of. 

Drawing experience from Hongkong, has the CCP built an underground party structure in the United States? I can confidently say  “yes”, although I don’t have much knowledge of itIn fact, some of the CCP’s “party cells” within American university campuses have already been exposed. So, how many such “party cells” exist in American campuses? Let us make an educated guess. 


The total number of CCPclose to 100 million in a nation of 1.4 billion means that the CCP makes up 7 percent of the total population. The CCP has 300,000 overseas students in the United States, if we assume the same ratio of 7% holds for party member/total student populationthen there should be roughly 21,000 CCP members residing in the US. According to the CCPs party constitution, every 3 members could form a party cellthen 21,000 party members could potentially form 7000 party cells. Assuming a more reasonable size of 10 members per cell, the total number of 21,000 party members could still yield about 2000 party cells. 

This is a logical approximation of the number of party cells within the United States campus 

there are other party cells outside the campus that I have no way of knowing, for instance, many of the state-owned enterprises had branches in the US, there could also be party cells there, and the number of CCP party cells in the US would be much larger.  All such party cells would become the nests of the termites. 


In conclusion, to prevent China’s infiltration tactics toward the United States of America or other western nations, we must be highly vigilant against these ubiquitous termites. 

 ( Ipkmedia.com | 文章只代表作者的观点和立场,光传媒首发)


