
47人案求情信 劉頴匡:如知會入獄絕不參加 女友:劉已得到莫大懲罰

47人案求情信 劉頴匡:如知會入獄絕不參加 女友:劉已得到莫大懲罰






我並不是一個在 2019 年社會動盪後才突然出現在政治舞台上的投機者。我的社會參與可以追溯到 2013 年,當時我首次成為沙田區議員辦事處的義務社區幹事。在 2015 年,我被聘為另一位區議員的全職助理。自那時起,我決心致力服務社區。我相信通過基層服務和倡導,可以讓我心愛的城市變得更美好。這些年來,我結交了許多志同道合的朋友,大多數人都是獨立於任何政黨的年輕人。

我於 2018 年參加了新界東選區的立法會補選。我的候選資格被選舉主任取消,這決定後來被法院推翻。2020 年,我決定再次參選。初選對我來說既必要又有利。作為一名沒有政黨支持的獨立候選人,我的選舉資源非常有限。初選所需的資源遠較正式選舉少。這也是排除泛民主派主要競爭對手的良機。為了能夠參加並促進初選,我願意簽署組織者要求的任何文件。

我認罪是因為我必須承認,我知道並同意 D1(戴耀廷)提出的議程。然而,這議程從來不是我競選的重點。相反,在選舉論壇上,我強調 “35+” 方案是 “空中樓閣”,我們應該為 “35-” 的情境做好準備。我在初選中組成了一個九人名單,是所有候選人中最長的名單。我的所有隊友都是現任沙田區議員。我在整個競選過程中強調我們在社區服務中的能力和經驗。

我真心相信初選不是非法的。許多法律專業人士支持並甚至參與其中。甚至警方亦曾在我擺設選舉街站時提供協助,並於 2020 年 7 月 11 日至 12 日,在初選投票站維持秩序。對我來說,這些都是顯示初選合法的信號。我認為最大風險只是被取消資格。如果我知道我會因為參加初選而入獄,我絕對不會參加,會選擇其他方式貢獻社會。

我現在 30 歲。這應該是我建立自己的事業和家庭的黃金時間。然而,我卻只能在監獄中度過過去的 3 年,還可能要再過許多年。這不僅是對我的懲罰,也是對愛我的人的懲罰。我特別對一直照顧我的女朋友感到懊悔。在監獄裡,我會繼續為未來做好準備。我明白,除了政治,還有許多其他方式可貢獻社會。我懇請閣下輕判,讓我能盡快履行作為一名男朋友和香港市民的責任。

劉頴匡 (D34)

10th June, 2024
Your Lordships,

I am well aware that I am facing a lengthy sentence for a serious crime. Yet it is still quite unrealistic for me. I had been taught to be a good citizen that cares about and engages in the society. I tried my best to play my part but finally ended up in jail.

I am no opportunist that appeared in the political arena right after the 2019 social unrest. My social engagement can be traced back to 2013, when I first became a voluntary community officer in an office of a Sha Tin District Councillor. In 2015, I was hired as a full-time assistant of another councillor. Since then, I was determined to commit myself to community service. I believed I could turn my beloved city into a better place through grassroot services and advocacies. I made many friends that shared the same insights as mine throughout the years. Most of them were young gentlemen independent from any political parties. 

I participated in the Legco by-election in 2018 for the vacancy in New Territories East constituency. My candidacy was disqualified by the Returning Officer, a decision that was later overturned by the Court. In 2020, I decided to have another go. The Primary Election seemed both necessary and beneficial to me. As an independent candidate that had no support from political parties. I had very limited resources for election. The Primary required much fewer resources than official election. It was also a good opportunity to eliminate major competitors from the pan-democrats. In order to join and facilitate the Primary, I would agree to sign any documents required by the organizers.  

I pleaded guilty because I must admit that I was aware of and agreed on the agenda put forward by D1. However, this agenda was never the focus of my campaign. In contrary, in the election forum, I emphasized that the ‘35+’ scheme was ‘a castle in the air’ and that we should get prepared for the ‘35-’ scenario instead. I formed a 9-person list in the Primary, which made it the largest list among all candidates. All teammates of mine were incumbent Sha Tin District Councillors. I stressed on our ability and experience in community service throughout the campaign. 

I genuinely believed that the Primary would not be illegal. Many legal professionals endorsed it and even participated in it. Even the Police helped facilitate my campaign street booths and maintain order at the polling stations on 11th to 12th July, 2020. These were to me all signals showing that the Primary was a legitimate one. I thought that the biggest risk was only disqualification. If I knew that I would be put into jail for the Primary, I would not have joined but opt for other ways to fight for the betterment of the society. 

I am 30 years old now. It should be a golden age for me to build my own career and family. However, I could only spend my past 3 years in prison, and possibly many more years to come. It is not only a punishment for me, but also for the people who love me. I am particularly regretful to my girlfriend, who keeps taking care of me all along. In prison, I continue to equip myself for the future. I understand that there are many other ways to contribute to the society besides politics. I plead for your lordships’ leniency so that I can fulfill my responsibility as a boyfriend and as a Hong Kong citizen as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

Lau Wing Hong (D34)



我是黃于喬,一名香港性別議題倡議者,也是被告劉頴匡的女朋友。2024 年是我與劉相識 的第 10 年。我畢業於傳統女校拔萃女書院…在他之前,我交往的男生都是出身傳統名校、中產、規規矩矩的人,但劉卻不一樣:他的中學我沒聽說過、出身基層、也不是很帥,但他身上卻有一種不 一樣的光芒。

在我眼中,劉是一個聰明、能言善辯、具領導天賦、不斷渴求知識、思維敏銳、語言能力 強、充滿好奇心的人…我認為以劉頴匡的天資和才能,他本來是絕對有能力走條「正常」的路,成為律師或教師等專業人士,過安穩舒適的中產生活。但他有志從政,非為一己私利,完全是出於他對社會人民的關懷、對香港民主化的追求,期望能夠為香港貢獻他的才能,卻不料因此捲入此案、身陷囹圄,人生最黃金的時期都在牢獄中度過。

我認識劉頴匡的時候才 19 歲,現在已經 29 歲了,我們 10 年的關係中,有 3 年多是隔着監獄的高牆,見面要透過探訪室的玻璃,對話要透過限時的電話筒。還押 3 年多,我每天風雨不改的到收押所探他,正正因為我認為他不是作奸犯科、偷呃拐騙的罪犯,是個值得我繼續關心和付出的人。 

法官閣下,這 3 年多以來,香港變了很多,而我知道一直被收押的劉亦已得到莫大的懲罰。 過去他固然未曾妄想過要顛覆國家,而無論是現在或將來,他經已不是當初天真的少年,不會再妄想自己能夠投身政治改變社會,不會再沾邊任何有可能被定性為危害國家安全的行為,只希望能夠盡快重獲自由。為了準備這一天的到來,劉在獄中除了攻讀學位,也自學多種語言、運動強身健體…只希望將來有一天離開監獄時,他已是更好、更強、更成熟的人。



